Programme objectives:

– Increasing the recognition of the special needs of girls and women in conflict and post-conflict contexts.

– Further, the aim is to enable organizational change where participants will be given an opportunity to use the knowledge and tools provided by the programme to contribute to the implementation of UNSCR 1325.

The Target Group:

The programme is primarily designed for midlevel and senior officials in organisations working with human rights and in the security sector. Participants/Organisations should represent one of the following: Government, e.g. relevant ministries, judiciary, military and police authorities, human rights commissions; NGOs, e.g. human rights or women’s rights organisations; Academic institutions; Media and the private sector.

To ensure a successful implementation of the programme the selection of participating institutions/organisations and individuals is of utmost importance. The participants have to come from organisations/institutions with a mandate and an interest to work with UNSCR 1325.

 Language requirement:

 Please note that the program is in English and that the participants need to understand English quite well to profit from the training.

Cost of Participation: 

Sida will cover participation fee, all training cost such as lectures, literature, documentation, study tours and certain social activities as board and lodging, including meals. Sida will cover the international travel cost to and from Sweden as well.

Application Process:

The application process consist of three steps in order to be completed:

1. Fill in the attached application form. The applicant must:
a) Be nominated by the organization/institution.
b) The authority is required to explain reasons for nominating
the participant.
c) The supervisor of the applicant must give her/his signature
to confi rm that the applicant can participate in the whole programme,
a total of fi ve weeks.
d) Include a recent photograph.
e) Fill in required information and documents.

2. Write a Concept note. The concept note, 1-3 pages should include:
a) A problem analysis.
b) Project objectives.
c) Indicators and method.
d) A brief introduction of the implementing organisation.
(See attached instruction for further information.)

3. Submit the application form and concept note to a Swedish Embassy in the applicants country or send it electronically to the Program
Secretariat at no later than monday, December 1st 2014.


Application Form

Actualizada: 18 de mayo de 2023 9:51 PM Fecha de Publicación: 29 de septiembre de 2014 4:06 PM Categorías: Oportunidades en el exterior