La Scuola Interpolitecnica di Docttorato de Italia está ofreciendo becas para programas de doctorado, a continuación encontrará el comunicado que nos enviaron.

SCUOLA INTERPOLITECNICA DI DOTTORATO is a special project run by the three Italian Technical Universities – Politecnico di Torino, Politecnico di Bari and Politecnico di Milano –  aiming to offer a joint PhD program of high qualification.

For the coming academic year at least half of the positions are reserved to graduates from other universities.

All the awarded positions are granted specific scholarships; moreover doctorate students enrolled in the School are entitled to reimbursement of travel and accommodation expenses relative to their periods abroad, fees and tuition for scientific conferences and/or courses attended in other institutions relevant to the completion of their doctoral work, and they are not required to pay the tuition fees.

We kindly ask you to publish this project and to this end you will find here enclosed a letter from the Director of the School and a concise version of the project «Scuola Interpolitecnica di Dottorato» that you can expose or hand out.

Yours sincerely,

Scuola Interpolitecnica di Dottorato

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Actualizada: 18 de mayo de 2023 9:52 PM Fecha de Publicación: 20 de junio de 2011 9:58 AM Categorías: Noticias y Eventos