La Oficina de Relaciones Internacionales informa que están abiertas las inscripciones para adelantar estudios de Doctorado en Ciencias de la Computación e Ingeniería; Economía, Mercados e Instituciones y Sistema Político y Cambios Institucionales en el IMT «Institutions, Markets, Technologies;  Instituto de Estudios Avanzados de Lucca con el beneficio de una beca.

45 PhD positions & scholarships*  All students | no tuition fees + free access to IMT Canteen *  24 | free accommodation *  24 | full grants (±10.560 € gross) *  03 | INDAP additional grants

Candidates can apply if they obtain their degree NOT later than:January 20th, 2008 for PhDs in: “Economics, Markets, Institutions” and “Political Systems and Institutional Change”
February 15th, 2008 for PhD in: “Computer Science and Engineering”

IMT is an International Graduate SchoolFounded by: *  LUISS Guido Carli, Rome *  Politecnico di MilanoSant’Anna School of Advanced Studies *  University of Pisa *  Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research

IMT Distinctive Features

IMT is an international graduate school that promotes cutting-edge research in areas with clear practical relevance, contributing to form international professional elites for business and institutions.

Research and teaching programs at IMT focus on institutional and technological change, the role of organizations and markets in economic systems, the analysis of complex systems in social sciences, computer science and engineering.

IMT aims to recruit students with high potential in a fast-moving global environment where research institutes and universities compete to attract resources and human capital. To do so, IMT uses international selection standards and seeks candidates from all around the globe.

The IMT community is the result of a vibrant interaction of students and scholars, building upon the campus system and residential services provided by the Lucca Foundation for Higher Education and Research.

PhD Courses are held in English and student curricula and performance is continually assessed through rigorous evaluation processes.

Further information and online applications

Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca 
Tel.: +39.0583 4326561

Fecha Publicación: 1 junio, 2011 • 10:14 am • Sin categoría